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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Medusa: Network Authentication Brute-Forcing Tool

Network authentication brute-force tools attempt to loginto a remote system from a list of provided usernames and passwords. It does so by sending the credential pairs continuously till the entire provided list is exhausted. Once, the tool gets a positive response from the remote system, it stops the attack and displays the username/password pair on screen which passed the test.It is very unlikely that a hacker would use network authentication brute-force tools to attack sensitive systems, because they are very noisy. Every successful or unsuccessful attempt to log onto the remote system will be logged. Too many login attempts targeting a single system would surely raise an alarm and the IDS/IPS would kick-in to thwart the attack.However, only 5 percent of internet facing servers are monitored by an IDS or IPS.So, there are still ample of unmonitored systems out there waiting to be exploited by hackers.

In this post, we take a look at Medusa, which is a network authentication brute-forcing tool. It supports a wide array of protocols including FTP, HTTP, SSH, SMB, VNC, POP3, IMAP, MySQL, Telnet and many more. The factor differentiating Medusa is its capability of testing multiple systems in parallel. Medusa achieves this feat through the multithreading directive called ‘pthreads’. Users can specify a list of hosts that are to be tested and Medusa will create a child process for every host and test multiple systems at once leveraging preemptive multitasking to the fullest.

Medusa in action:
1. As can be seen from the screenshot below, the webpage at is asking for credentials through HTTP Basic Authentication.
Authentication Page

2. To brute-force this authentication, we use the following command:
medusa -h -u admin -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -M HTTP

Medusa Command

Specifies target. Use -H to provide a list of targets from a file.
Specifies username. To keep things simple for this example we have used the default login ID ‘admin’. Use -U to provide a list of usernames from a file.
Specifies Passwords. For this example, we are using Kali Linux’s default wordlist.
Specifies Module. Since, we know that we are testing HTTP Basic authentication, we supply HTTP as the module parameter.

3. When Medusa gets a positive response from the remote system, it aborts the test and displays the result on screen as seen below.

Credentials Found

Protocols Supported:
Apple Filing Protocol
Concurrent Versions System
FTP and FTPS (FTP/Auth TLS and FTP over SSL)
HTTP/HTTPS (Basic authentication, NTLM, Digest)
IMAP (143)/IMAPS (993)
Medusa auto-detects port number on which the server is running
Also supports pass-the-hash abilities for pre 4.1 versions.
Netware NCP Protocol
Network News Transfer Protocol
POP3 (110) and POP3S (995)
Option available to set remote database name
Remote Process Execution
Remote Login (513)
Remote Shell
Support all Windows Network Authentication
SMTP Authentication with TLS (STARTTLS extension)
List of usernames can be provided through -U option
Simple Network Management Protocol
Secure Shell
Telnet (23) and Telnets (992)
VMware Authentication Daemon. Supports both non-SSL and SSL.
Identifies and acts on anti-bruteforcing functionalities of UltraVNC and RealVNC
Web Form
Handles GET/POST requests

THC Hydra and Ncrack are other network authentication brute-force tools which are regarded adequately effective. A very good comparison of Medusa with Hydra and Ncrack can be found HERE

Medusa comes pre-installed in the Kali Linux OS. In case you are using any other Linux distro, Medusa can be downloaded from HERE.

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